09:00 - 17:00
+34 971 868 195

We are an Advisor to professional money planners.

We are an Advisor to professional money planners.

To Borrasassessors.com, from this web page we want to extend the support that we offer to our clients

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More than 100 companies trust us in Mallorca.

More than 100 companies trust us in Mallorca.

To the companies we provide a comprehensive service, aimed at guiding the company about all the parcels in which they are involved throughout their life: constitution, obligations with Social Security, obligations with the Public Treasury, environmental regulations and Health and safety at work, legal advice, formal and registry obligations, etc.

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We have a branch office in Puerto Pollença.

We have a branch office in Puerto Pollença.

Borras Assessors is an office composed of a diverse number of professionals specialized in various fields of law, marketing, business organization, etc., whose integration and coordination result in a solid, cohesive and continuously evolving professional office.

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Accounting Counseling

(Accounting, preparation of operating balances and situation)

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Employment advice

(Work Contracts Payroll  companies, workers, contracts, payroll, dismissals, National Insurance )

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Tramites Registro de la Propiedad

(Calculo de impuestos, presentación de escritos, notas del registro, calculo plusvalías)

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Procedures City Hall

(Request work permits, activity licenses, tenders and competitions).

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We are leaders in Advice

We offer our clients an extensive range of services so that they find the support of working with a human team that is interested in its success, which will be ours as well.

Integral and tax advice

Full service in Pollença

Integral advice in Pollença

Nuestra Oficinas


Comprehensive and personalized advice, attending to the specific needs of the client, planning the decision making and obtaining in this way the most appropriate response in each moment.

The integral service

The integral service, which we make available to companies, aims to be the most effective means, so that the tax-accounting, legal-labor and human resources aspects of their activity are treated with efficiency

Integral counseling

The technical service of Consulting Borras in Pollença is formed by a large qualified staff prepared to answer any type of problem by telephone and in person. It also ensures an effective response in the shortest possible time.

Oficinas en Puerto Pollença

A Borrasassessors.com dispone de más de tres 70 metros cuadrados de oficinas, distribuidas en dos centros, uno en Puerto Pollença, con el fin de facilitar las gestiones a nuestros clientes de todos los municipios de la isla de Mallorca. Esto ha repercutido en unas mayores posibilidades de crecimiento de nuestro volumen de trabajo y en la mejora de la imagen al exterior.

Satisfied customers
Offices in Mallorca